Weak profitability of spinning processing sales terminal

Weak profitability of spinning processing sales terminal

Some spinning processing factories have not established a complete market price management system, and the price adjustment has not been in place for a long time. Spinning processing companies are blindly concerned about the expansion of the volume.


Spinning processing always hopes to open several stores, blindly pursuing brand stores and increasing the number of sales outlets, thinking that this will increase sales, even forgetting that the real buyers of spinning processing plants are customers rather than distributors, and neglecting to strengthen the terminal Therefore, if the market sales cannot be improved, the market share will naturally not increase.


In addition, the attributes of spinning processing plants have high requirements for placement. However, most of the distributors’ product sales terminals currently display messy and crowded displays. They cannot create a family-like experience for consumers and lack emotional connotations. The attractiveness is seriously insufficient, and the professional knowledge of the shop assistants is lacking, and it is difficult to provide quality services to customers. All of the above has led to the very weak profitability of the sales terminal of the spinning processing plant.